Competitive bidding process: Bologna
KITE Engineering bid for a competitive bidding process involving some municipal lots announced by the Municipality of Bologna. The work group was awarded with a splendid second place out of 62 work goups!
This public tender is part of the “Piano per l’Abitare” (Plan for Living) approved in 2023 by the City Council in order to carry out the strategy “Tre grandi Poli per una nuova idea di abitare” (Three great Poles for a new living idea).
The aim was to build a sustainable and resistant social housing complex located in the urban area called Bertalia-Lazzaretto in order to contribute to satisfy the rental housing demand of middle-income people.
Efficiency and energy savings were the main objectives of the systems project designed by KITE Engineering. To achieve that purpose the project inlcuded the following elements:
- Water to water heat pumps (geothermal or groundwater), which are 30% more efficient than air to water heat pumps;
- Air-gound heat exchanger, that allows to increase the efficiency of the ventilation system by 20% in winter months and by 25% in summer months;
- Heat recovery unit for waste water releases that lets saving up to 30% energy in the production of hot sanitary water;
- Rainwater recovery;
- Photovoltaic system.
All technologic systems are controlled by a BMS system, which allows a programmed and optimized management.
Furthermore, the project also included a green roof, which reduces disturbance to the local microclimate and increases energy performance.
Project Details
Competitive bidding process: Bologna
KITE Engineering bid for a competitive bidding process involving some municipal lots announced by the Municipality of Bologna. The work group was awarded with a splendid second place out of 62 work goups!
This public tender is part of the “Piano per l’Abitare” (Plan for Living) approved in 2023 by the City Council in order to carry out the strategy “Tre grandi Poli per una nuova idea di abitare” (Three great Poles for a new living idea).
The aim was to build a sustainable and resistant social housing complex located in the urban area called Bertalia-Lazzaretto in order to contribute to satisfy the rental housing demand of middle-income people.
Efficiency and energy savings were the main objectives of the systems project designed by KITE Engineering. To achieve that purpose the project inlcuded the following elements:
- Water to water heat pumps (geothermal or groundwater), which are 30% more efficient than air to water heat pumps;
- Air-gound heat exchanger, that allows to increase the efficiency of the ventilation system by 20% in winter months and by 25% in summer months;
- Heat recovery unit for waste water releases that lets saving up to 30% energy in the production of hot sanitary water;
- Rainwater recovery;
- Photovoltaic system.
All technologic systems are controlled by a BMS system, which allows a programmed and optimized management.
Furthermore, the project also included a green roof, which reduces disturbance to the local microclimate and increases energy performance.